Join Girlguiding Clwyd
Take the first step to joining us – register your daughter’s interest in Girlguiding
How registration works
- Register your interest – You’ll be asked for your contact details and a few key pieces of information about your daughter.
- Choose the best unit for you – we’ll use your details to suggest several local units. Then it’s up to you to select the most convenient one. You can choose up to three location preferences.
- We’ll get in touch – someone from your chosen unit will contact you, usually within three weeks. They can explain to you about meetings times, what’s planned for the term and if there’s a waiting list.
- Try guiding out! – if spaces are available, the unit will arrange a trial meeting for your daughter to attend. This gives you and her an idea of what guiding is all about – we’re sure you will love it!
Register your daughter
Register your daughter to join Girlguiding and find out about units in your area.